When is the Best Time to Put Down Weed and Feed on Your Grass

Winter Lawn Care Advice: December

The Benefits of Feeding The Lawn

In terms of lawn care your routine, things will really slow down around now. Frosts are more likely to fall and there may even be snow so try to avoid walking on your lawn as this can damage it. When the lawn is not frozen, or very wet, continue to keep it free from fallen leaves and other debris to reduce the risk of lawn diseases. Although the grass is hardly growing, there is still plenty to do around the garden like clean out your pots, tidy up the greenhouse and planting hardy seedlings for next year. It may be worth thinking about a greenhouse heater to keep your indoor pots and seedlings warm over the winter.

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Read The Label Directions

Most weed and feed products are similar. However, you should always follow the directions on the package. Sometimes, they tell you to wet the area receiving the treatment first. Then, you dont water it again for a few weeks.

On top of that, most of the lawn care applications are two-parted. Therefore, they have two different answers. Your lawn must be watered after an application of weed and feed. However, its got to be during a specific time frame since it contains weed control.

Organic Weed And Feed

If you are looking for a genuine organic weed and feed, first they can be difficult to find, and second, you cannot expect the same results as a synthetic or standard weed and feed. With organic products, the primary ingredient is corn gluten meal which is suitable for immediate contact after application. On our list, we feature Espoma Organic Weed Preventer and Westland Child And Pet-Friendly Organic Weed And Feed both organic therefore pet and family-friendly.

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What If You Apply Too Much Weed & Feed

The best way to avoid damaging your lawn is the flush out the weed & feed. Water your lawn with 1 to 2 inches of water for about 4 days. Dont apply any other weed & feed until the following year.

Unfortunately, over watering like this can create run-off in certain drainage situations, so try to avoid the situation in the first place.

The Best Time Of Year To Apply Weed Control

Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed Lawn Fertilizer

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Quiz Time!

Do you know the best time of year to apply weed control to those pesky perennial broadleaf weeds such as Dandelions and Canada Thistle?

a. Early Spring after germination at pre-emergence

b. Spring at emergence while weeds are young

c. Summer when weeds are at their prime

d. Fall

If you chose the last option you are correct!

In fall, perennial broadleaf weeds transport food from their foliage to their roots in preparation for winter. Broadleaf herbicides applied in fall are absorbed by the weeds foliage and transported to the roots along with the carbohydrates, resulting in the destruction of the broadleaf weeds. Perennials such as thistles and dandelions are best controlled from mid September to early October.

There is one catch when you apply weed control in the fall weeds wont die within a few hours or even overnight, unlike in the spring, when you may observe curling of leaves within hours. In the fall the process happens much more gradually. Depending on soil conditions and the volume and type of weed, plus its hardiness, you may not see any visible signs of it dying off before winter.

In Alberta, some hard to kill weeds like Canada Thistle, are easier to control in the fall. After applying weed control you wont see much change in the fall, but by the time the snow melts in the spring the weeds should be gone or at least the majority of them.

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When Should You Apply Lawn Weed And Feed Here Are Handy Tips Timing And More

  • Dan Gill, The Times-Picayune garden columnist
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QUESTION: When do we apply weed and feed to our lawns? I read in your column that we apply lawn fertilizer at the end of March. But should I apply weed and feed before that or after that? If I apply a weed and feed, do I need to apply a lawn fertilizer? —Wanda

ANSWER: The timing of applying weed and feed products is based on when it's time to fertilize the lawn. So weed and feeds, like regular lawn fertilizers, are applied the last week of March or early April.

A weed and feed product is a lawn fertilizer combined with a weed killer. A lawn fertilizer just contains fertilizer, without any weed killer. Whatever you do, you must not apply a weed and feed and then turn around and apply a lawn fertilizer. You will over fertilize the lawn and may damage the grass. Use one or the other, not both.

Generally speaking, I recommend separating weed control and fertilization. A lawn weed killer should be applied anytime a weed problem is noticed. This may be done year round as needed. The cool-season weeds noticeable in area lawns now, for instance, would have been better controlled by applying a lawn weed killer back in January or February rather than waiting until late March to apply a weed and feed.

Dan Gill is a horticulturist with the LSU AgCenter.

Best Time To Weed And Feed Your Lawn In Nsw

The best time for weeding and feeding your lawn in NSW is during the summer. Begin fertilising in the summer to give it an awesome boost throughout the hot months ahead.

Using a slow-release, granule-based fertiliser with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous will be perfect for keeping it looking fresh, green, and lush. This also helps to encourage strong root growth. Just remember that you shouldnt over-apply, as youll end up invariably burning your lawn.

Be mindful if you have had a lot of rain in the preceding seasons. Fertilising at a higher dose might be required to replace the nutrients that may have been washed away from the soil in times of heavy rain.

If you arent too sure, you can apply a higher dosage to a test area to see how it performs over the following weeks. If all goes well and it looks beautiful and healthier, then a higher dosage can be applied to the rest of the lawn. Otherwise, a smaller dosage will be more suitable. Play it by ear.

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The 10 Best Weed And Feed Reviews

Over the years I have tested dozens of weed and feed products and have a good feel for the effectiveness of each product and when best to use them. My colleagues have also shared their experiences so we can bring a wealth of knowledge. Our judgment was based on overall performance and results, ease of use, and value for money. Hopefully, this list of the best weed and feed products will meet your gardens needs. Lets start our review with the best buy product from Scotts Turf Builder range:

Why Does The Time Of Year Affect Weed Killers

Weed, Feed & Green your lawn

Spring is the best time of year for applying weed killer. This is because you can catch weeds in their pre-growth state, before theyve had the opportunity to sprout fully. Spring has the advantages of being both warm and wet.

Herbicides in weed killers require absorption from the soil to activate. This absorption can only take place if the soil is moist from the rain. Spring being a typically rainy season ensures that the soil is wet enough to soak up the herbicide, which is then taken up by the plant root.

Without any rain, the herbicide solution will sit on the soil, rather than being absorbed by the plant.

Fall is the second-best season because weed killers thrive on the sudden change in weather. Spraying weed killer in October means that weeds will struggle to survive the winter.

However, not all weed killers contain herbicide, and can therefore be used at all times of year. For example, Foamstream is a herbicide-free weed killer. This means its not affected by the levels of moisture in the soil.

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When Is The Best Time To Apply Weed And Feed

to my lawn?

In the spring, early summer and late fall. The best time to spray your grass is in the morning when its cool. Weed-and-feed products are not good for cool weather so you will need to wait until after this time of year. You can also try applying weed and feed during cooler evenings or even overnight if necessary, but again be sure to apply in the morning when its cool. It may seem counterintuitive, but spraying insecticide on warm days is more effective than doing it at night because warm temperatures kill insects that may have laid eggs by daybreak!

The Weed Control Timing Chart

Herbicides may be almost completely ineffective if applied at the wrong time of year. There is an optimum time frame to apply an herbicide to each weed. In most cases, this time is early in the weeds life cycle, but in some cases, herbicides should be applied during a different growth stage. Generally, weeds should be actively growing when an herbicide is applied. In certain instances, only a pre-emergent herbicide may provide effective control. Remembering when to apply herbicides for the many different weeds can be a challenge. The herbicide label provides definitive information concerning the turf growth stage, time of day, and weather conditions when the product may be applied, but this simple chart can help in making a plan for the timing of lawn weed control.

The Lawn Weed Control Timing Chart was developed to help remove confusion and guesswork when determining the recommended time of year to control various weeds in lawns. The chart is arranged with a list of common weeds in rows on the left, and months of the year in columns on the top of the chart. The row for each weed listed has a colored bar in the row, indicating the time frame when the weed may be most effectively controlled. Green bars indicate application time ranges for post-emergent herbicides , and goldenrod bars indicate application time ranges for pre-emergent herbicides.

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Avoid Application Of Weed Preventers Very Late On Schedules

Weed preventing chemicals are technically the Pre-emergent herbicides. They are particularly useful in the control of the crabgrass plus other weeds by inhibiting their germination.

If you want great results, apply them early on the schedule to avoid running late รข while the weed-seeds have already sprouted.

Best Times for Application:

You may want to look at natural calendars. And its best to apply the weed prevention chemical once the blooms from forsythia drop .

Pro Tip:

Weed prevention- chemicals are ineffective after the weeds have germinated. The critical factor here is to apply them before the weeds grow.

Crabgrass is one of the nuisances and naturally germinates after the bloom of forsythia. One proper weed-preventer is the corn gluten meal. Remember to follow your application with water to help the chemical take maximum effects.

Another Super- Pro Tip:

If you plan to plant on a cool season, do it during fall. Its ideal timing for you to sow warm-season grasses into late spring. However, do not hasten to apply the weed preventers and seeds concurrently. Youll end up killing the same grass-seeds you plan to germinate for your lawn-grass.

Here are a few popular weed preventers.

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What Is And How To Prevent Fertiliser Burn

Scotts® Turf Builder® Bonus® S Southern Weed &  Feed FL

Of course, its all very well sharing details on the best time to fertilise your lawn, but there are other important things to consider as well. Such as, understanding and preventing fertiliser burn. But first of all, what is it?

Fertiliser burn occurs when you have over-fertilised your lawn by mistake. This is easy enough to do, but even easier to avoid .

Fertiliser contains high salt content which draws all of the moisture out of plants. Thus, it is paramount that you use only the right amount. Otherwise, the leaves and blades of grass will begin to brown off and discolour.

What can be done to prevent fertiliser burn?

  • Fertilise your lawn in accordance with its needs. Using more doesnt get better results, in fact, it simply causes more risk
  • Slow-release fertiliser is ideal for reducing the chances of fertiliser burn as the salts are reduced gradually rather than all at once
  • You can fertilise your plants using compost which eliminates the risk of fertiliser burn altogether
  • Plants are much more susceptible to fertiliser burn during a drought as the fertiliser will become much more concentrated in the soil so be mindful of this
  • Do not fertilise a wet lawn
  • Water deeply and thoroughly after you have applied your fertiliser
  • Rinse fertiliser off the blades of grass and ensure that it distributes into the soil evenly for optimal results

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When To Feed Your Lawn: A Simple Feeding Regime For A Lush Lawn

In this article, Ill explain when to feed your lawn.

See, many gardeners feed their lawns either too much, not enough or use the wrong type of fertilisers at the wrong time of year.

If youre guilty of this then not even the best fertiliser will help.

So Ill explain the problems with feeding your lawn too infrequently and what happens when you fertilise too often. Then Ill explain the dangers of using the wrong type of fertiliser at the wrong time.

Then Ill show you a very simple annual lawn feeding regime which you can follow to create and maintain a lush, healthy sward all year round.

Final Thoughts On The Best Time To Put Down Weed And Feed

Weed and feed provides myriad benefits for your lawn, most notably the ability to nourish your lawn with fertilizer, and kill weeds with a single application. The key to applying weed and feed is timing, where it should ideally be applied in late April/ early May and then again, if necessary, in September.

In terms of mowing your lawn, it is best to mow a day or two before weed and feed application for best results. But be sure to collect these clippings right after you mow and before spreading the weed and feed, and not use them as mulch or compost around healthy grass and plants.

Additionally, ensure that your lawn is cut to a normal height three to four inches, depending on the type of grass, and wait approximately two to four days after mowing to apply the weed and feed. Most importantly, dont apply too much weed and feed, as this will over-saturate your lawn with the feeding chemical, and spread the chemical evenly across the lawn, preferably with a broadcast spreader.

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Spring Lawn Care Advice: May

Regular mowing of your lawn during late spring will keep it looking neat and tidy. Lawn growth will really pick up around May. You can start to lower the cutting height of your mower as the risk of frosts falls too. Apply weed treatments to your lawn carefully if you need to keep your grass looking good. This is a good time to over-seed your lawn if you have any bare patches left over from the winter months.

Best Time To Weed And Feed Your Lawn Vic

How and When to Use Lawn Feeds & Treatments

For weeding and feeding your lawn in Victoria, we recommend through Autumn and Winter. The hot summers offer plenty of vigorous growth and thus now is the best time to start feeding your lawn and preparing it for the winter months to follow.

The optimum time to do so would be by applying two lots of fertiliser once in March and then another again in April or May . A high potassium fertiliser is suitable for increasing the health of the plant cells and overall structure, thus giving it great protection in the colder months that are on its way.

Also, be sure to mow a little higher so as to provide your lawn with greater protection against the coming frosts.

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Tips For Success With Your Weed And Feed Application

Even when you choose the perfect time and weather for a weed and feed treatment, things can still go wrong. You can increase the chance of a successful application by following these tips:

  • Your grass should be between 3 to 5 inches tall.
  • Use a sprinkler to moisten your lawn lightly before applying the weed and feed treatment.
  • Dont water your lawn for 48 hours using weed and feed.
  • Follow the manufacturers instructions to avoid over treating your lawn.

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Working Speed: How Long Does Weed And Feed Take To Work

Well, youll usually see most weeds and feeds showing full results within 14 days of applying them. However, the fertilizer part of the chemical will start working as soon as in 5 days. As more weeks pass, you will visibly notice the results more prominently.

To discuss in detail, different types of weeds and feeds take different amounts of time to show effect. We have cited the expected working time of each type in a segmented manner below:

  • POST-EMERGENT Weed And Feeds: This type of formula used when you already have weeds growing in your lawn, is called POST-EMERGENT weed and feeds.

This formula of weed and feed works only when the weeds have grown to a certain degree. A POST-EMERGENT formula takes full effect within about 21 days. After 21 days, the weeds in your lawn will completely disappear.

  • PRE-EMERGENT weed and feeds: The pre-emergent formula is used to prevent weeds from growing in your lawn before they can even be born. Also, this chemical formula is fully effective for a lawn that already has the weeds fully under control.

Full Annihilation Of Weeds

If you use weed and feed products for several years, it is possible to fully get rid of all the weeds permanently. Even for an expert gardener, it takes at least 5 years to fully annihilate all traces of the weeds. This result is achieved if you carefully apply the weed and feed at the proper time every year.

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Source: https://www.lovemylawn.net/when-is-the-best-time-to-weed-and-feed-lawn/

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