Can Nc Constitutional Amendments Be Reviewed by Nc Supreme Court

North Carolina Constitution
Flag of North Carolina.png
I • 2 • III • IV • Five • Half-dozen • VII • 8 • IX • X • Eleven • XII • 13 • XIV

The North Carolina Constitution is the primal governing document of the country of North Carolina.


The constitution is the highest legal document for North Carolina, and subjugates North Carolina law. It is subject to federal judicial review. Any aspect of the constitution tin can be nullified if it does not align with federal police force and the U.s. Constitution.

The North Carolina constitution contains fourteen articles, each made up of different sections. Unlike the United states Constitution, which merely appends amendments, North Carolina incorporates amendments into the certificate.[ane]


  • The current (and quaternary) Due north Carolina Constitution was adopted in 1971.[2]
  • The current constitution has been amended 42 times. [two]
  • The most recent amendments to the N Carolina Constitution, of which there were four, were canonical by voters in 2018.
  • Due north Carolina does non characteristic a procedure for initiated constitutional amendments. Thus, amendments in N Carolina tin can exist put on the ballot through referral by the legislature or past a constitutional convention.


Encounter as well: Preamble, N Carolina Constitution and Preambles to state constitutions
We, the people of the Land of Northward Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the beingness of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, practice, for the more than certain security thereof and for the improve authorities of this State, ordain and institute this Constitution. [3]

Article I

Come across also: Article I, N Carolina Constitution

Commodity I of the N Carolina Constitution is entitled "Declaration of Rights," At that place are 38 sections to this article, each outlining a separate recognized right. Many of these sections broaden the rights covered by the Pecker of Rights. The state constitution also secures boosted rights, for case the correct to a public educational activity and to open courts. As well of note, this department specifically denies the land the ability to secede from the United States and declares that each "denizen of this State owes paramount fidelity to the Constitution and authorities of the United States."[iii]

Click here to read this article of the Due north Carolina Constitution.

Article Ii

See also: Commodity II, Due north Carolina Constitution

Article Two of the North Carolina Constitution is entitled "Legislative," and declares that all legislative powers in North Carolina reside in the General Associates. The Full general Assembly consists of a Senate and a Firm of Representatives. The chambers have 50 and 120 members and each house has a term of two years, respectively. Guidelines for the formation of voting districts and qualification for office are also covered.

This article also gives the governor the power to veto legislation in some circumstances. Veto ability was denied the governor until 1995 when the constitution was amended. North Carolina was the last land to extend this power to its governor.

Click here to read this article of the Due north Carolina Constitution.

Article III

See also: Article Three, North Carolina Constitution

Article III of the Due north Carolina Constitution is entitled "Executive" and vests all executive authority in the governor. The duties of the governor are defined equally is the process of succession, should the governor dice or get incapacitated. Holders of the governor office are limited to two consecutive terms. The "Council of Country," a chiffonier like body, is filled with viii popularly elected officials. This article also defines and mandates a balanced upkeep.

Click here to read this article of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article IV

Run across also: Commodity Four, Due north Carolina Constitution

Article Iv is entitled "Judicial." This article defines the brand upwardly the judicial co-operative of the state and prohibits the legislature from inhibiting its part. Similar to the federal regime, the power to impeach state officials and judges is given to the state Business firm of Representatives. The Senate can remove a person from function with a 2/3 bulk vote afterwards an impeachment. This article also deals with the necessary qualifications of a judge and confers the ability of judicial review with the state'south Supreme Court.

Click here to read this article of the Due north Carolina Constitution.

Article V

Run into besides: Commodity V, Due north Carolina Constitution

Article 5 is entitled "Finance," it gives the state government the right to tax and puts limits on that correct. It authorizes an income tax and also limits the ability to issue public bonds.

Click here to read this article of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article Half dozen

Come across as well: Article VI, North Carolina Constitution

Article Half-dozen is entitled "Suffrage and Eligibility to Role," it provides every person who is at least eighteen years, an American Citizen and living within Due north Carolina the right to vote. This right is denied to felons and people illiterate in English.

This article also sets the eligibility to hold office. To hold state office a person cannot fail whatsoever of the following categories:[3]

  1. Younger than 21 years of age.
  2. Denies the being of God (see Infeasible Provisions).
  3. A person who is non qualified to vote in an ballot for that office.
  4. Felon.
  5. Already holds a state or federal office.

Click hither to read this article of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article VII

Meet too: Article Vii, North Carolina Constitution

Article VII is entitled "Local Government" and gives the Full general Associates the power to ascertain the boundaries of governmental subdivisions (counties, towns, cities). It limits the altitude of newly incorporated town or cities from established cities based on the established city'southward population. The office of sheriff is provided for each county.

Click here to read this commodity of the Northward Carolina Constitution.

Commodity Viii

See also: Article Viii, North Carolina Constitution

Article VIII is entitled "Corporations" and gives the Full general Assembly the correct to create and regulate corporations.

Click here to read this article of the Northward Carolina Constitution.

Article IX

Encounter also: Article 9, Northward Carolina Constitution

Article Nine is entitled "Teaching" and established public education compulsorily for all able bodied children, "unless educated past other means."[3] The Land Board of Educational activity is defined hither and given the power to regulate all "free public teaching" in the state. This article demands that the General Assembly institute a system of higher teaching and states that college education should be free, "as far as practicable."[3]

Click hither to read this article of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article X

See also: Article Ten, Due north Carolina Constitution

Commodity Ten is entitled "Homesteads and Exemptions" and prevents the forced sale of a person'south primary residence to pay for a debt, unless the house was specifically used as collateral for a loan. Females are too able to maintain full ownership of all property they own when they ally, under this article. In addition, life insurance policies that are paid to a spouse or child are exempt from claims of debt from the estate of the deceased.

Click here to read this commodity of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article Xi

See also: Article 11, Due north Carolina Constitution

Commodity 11 is entitled "Punishments, Corrections, and Charities" and describes the only punishment methods to be used by the land. It specifically just allows the capital punishment in cases of "murder, arson, burglary, and rape."[3] This article gives the responsibility of the public welfare to the Full general Assembly.

Click here to read this article of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article XII

See likewise: Article XII, North Carolina Constitution

This article is entitled "Military machine Forces" and states, "The Governor shall be Commander in Primary of the armed forces forces of the Country and may call out those forces to execute the law, suppress riots and insurrections, and repel invasion."[3]

Click here to read this article of the North Carolina Constitution.

Article 13

See also: Article Xiii, Northward Carolina Constitution

Article XII is entitled "Conventions; Constitutional Subpoena and Revision" and describes the two ways the constitution may be amended, by popular convention or through legislation. The later is the nearly mutual fashion to ameliorate the constitution as the last fourth dimension the constitution was amended by convention was 1875. In a legislative action, an amendment must pass past three-fifths in both houses of the General Associates and too obtain a majority of a popular vote.

Commodity XIV

See besides: Article Xiv, N Carolina Constitution

The final commodity of the constitution is entitled "Miscellaneous" and covers topics that practice not autumn neatly into the previous manufactures. Topics of sections in this article include:

  • Establishing Raleigh every bit the capital.
  • Establishing permanently the current state border.
  • Demanding the General Assembly uniformly utilise laws to the state.
  • Allows any law that was legally enacted before this constitution the ability to remain in event unless the law conflicts with the constitution.
  • Provides the Full general Assembly the ability to conserve natural resource by the creation of parks and the enactment of laws.

Click hither to read this article of the Northward Carolina Constitution.

Amending the constitution

Run across also: Commodity XIII, North Carolina Constitution and Alteration country constitutions

The two paths to amending the North Carolina Constitution are the legislatively referred ramble amendment and the ramble convention process.

  • Section 4 of Article Xiii says that a legislatively referred ramble subpoena is to go on the ballot if sixty percent of "all the members of each house" of the North Carolina state legislature adopt an act submitting the proposed subpoena to a statewide vote.
  • The legislature tin can determine the appointment of the ballot on a proposed amendment.
  • Section 1 of Article Xiii dictates the ramble convention process.
  • A two-thirds vote of both houses of the state legislature is necessary to put a convention question on the ballot.
  • A majority of statewide voters voting on the convention question must assert the proposal for a convention to exist called.
  • Amendments or revisions proposed by a convention go to a statewide vote of the people for ratification.

Infeasible provisions

As per the Federal Supremacy Clause, all federal constabulary and the United States Constitution overrule the North Carolina Constitution. There are several provisions in the current North Carolina Constitution that may conflict with federal law and/or the U.S. Constitution.

At least two provisions, carried over from previous versions of the document, are not enforced either because they are known to exist void or would most certainly be struck downwards in court.

  • Section 8 of Article Half-dozen disqualifies from office "any person who shall deny the existence of Almighty God."[3] However, Article Half-dozen of the Us Constitution stipulates that "no religious Exam shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Part or public Trust under the Usa." Under current precedent, this provision is binding on united states of america under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. As a event, this article has never been enforced despite being carried over from the 1868 Constitution.[3]
  • Section 4 of Commodity Half-dozen requires that a person exist literate in the English before registering to vote. This provision was widely used to finer disenfranchise African-American voters in the Jim Crow era. As such, it is widely held that this section violates the Voting Rights Deed. Although this provision was carried over from the 1868 Constitution, information technology has never been enforced. Nonetheless, several attempts to remove this provision accept failed.

In addition, federal and state court decisions take narrowed the scope of at least one department of the constitution. Section 3 and Section five of Article II land, "No canton shall exist divided in the germination of a representative district."[iii] This provision is known equally the "Whole County Provision." However, in 1981, the federal Justice Department ruled that this provision was inconsistent with the Voting Rights Act. The state thus ignored the Whole Canton Provision until 2002. That twelvemonth, the Due north Carolina Supreme Courtroom ruled that the state constitution's equal protection clause presumed single-member districts and was thus a limitation on the Whole County Provision. It tin besides be argued that the "one person, ane vote" rule from Reynolds v. Sims too limits this provision.[iv] [iii]


This version, ratified in 1971, is North Carolina's tertiary constitution. The first, created in 1776 after the American Proclamation of Independence, was essentially amended in 1835. It created the regime for the new land. In 1868, a new constitution brought the land back into the Union subsequently the Civil War. That constitution was then amended to discriminate against African Americans.

The current version of the constitution, which includes xiv manufactures, reorganized the country government. Each version of the land constitution expanded the rights of the citizens likewise as sections of the government.[5]

Since the Constitution of 1971, in that location have been over twenty amendments.

Encounter also

State Constitutions Ballotpedia.png

  • Land constitution
  • Constitutional article
  • Constitutional amendment
  • Constitutional revision
  • Ramble convention
  • Amendments
    • Initiated constitutional amendment
    • Legislatively-referred constitutional amendment
    • Publication requirements for proposed land constitutional amendments
    • Rules about constitutional conventions in state constitutions
    • Country constitutional articles governing land legislatures

External links

  • North Carolina General Assembly, "North Carolina Country Constitution"
  • Documenting the American Southward, "The Convention of 1835"


  1. North Carolina Legislative Library, "North Carolina Constitutions," accessed Baronial 14, 2014
  2. two.0 two.1 Northward Carolina Legislature, "Amendments to the North Carolina Constitution of 1971," accessed April 29, 2015
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 three.03 iii.04 3.05 three.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 North Carolina State Legislature, "North Carolina Land Constitution," accessed March thirty, 2014
  4. Virginia Law Review, "State Redistricting Constabulary: Stephenson v. Bartlett and Judicial Promotion of Electoral Contest"
  5. NC pedia, "Official history of the Northward Carolina Constitution," accessed March 30, 2014


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